How to Repair Your Element Smart TV Remote? Easy Steps

For owners of Element Smart TVs, the Element Smart TV Remote is a vital accessory. Nevertheless, just as with any electronic product, it may also develop some faults over time. You do not have to go out and rush into buying a new one when you can easily carry out some basic repairs at home. In this article, we’ll take you through simple ways of fixing your Element Smart TV Remote so you can go back to watching the things you love non-stop.

Understanding the Common Issues

First and foremost, you need to determine some of the problems that can occur in your Element Smart TV Remote before venturing into the repairs part. There are many problems that these issues may involve, including non-responsiveness of buttons or connection failure. This is to say that by identifying the source of a problem one should be able to direct their repair works to the most affected spots.

Unresponsive Buttons

The buttons on most remotes tend not to function properly or at all. The main reason for buttons on Element Smart TV remote not responding could be dirt or dust which has accumulated under them.

Connectivity Problems

Connectivity issues can also lead to the inability of your  Smart TV Remote to communicate properly with your television. It could be due to battery corrosion, bad battery connections, or interference by other electrical equipment.

Infrared Sensor Issues

Usually, the  Smart TV remote communicates with a television using infrared signals. Connectivity obstacles may occur when an infrared sensor on a remote does not work.

Having mentioned these general problems, it’s time to look into the simple steps that will help fix your Element Smart TV Remote.

Cleaning Unresponsive Buttons

To address unresponsive buttons, follow these simple steps:

Remove the Batteries:

Ensure the safety of the cleaning process by first ensuring that you remove all the batteries from the remote control.

Open the Remote Control:

Carefully use a small screwdriver or pry and gently open the remote control. Use a soft brush to be delicate and not break the case’s body.

Clean the Buttons:

Open the remote and use a cotton swab or a small brush to wipe the section under the buttons. Clean off anything that might be sticking the buttons and leading to them becoming non-functional.

Reassemble the Remote:

Be careful when assembling the remote after cleaning and put everything back into its place appropriately.

Addressing Connectivity Problems

If you’re having trouble connecting, try these steps:

Check the Batteries:

Check the batteries to ensure that there is no corrosion. Remove corrosion with cotton swab in vinegar if there is one present. Replace the batteries if necessary.

Ensure Proper Battery Placement:

Ensure that the batteries are well placed with the positive and negative oriented in correct positions.

Check for Loose Connections:

Check the battery compartment for any dislodged and broken connections. Gently adjust the battery contacts using a small tool if no proper contact is made with them.

Minimize Interference:

Get rid of any disturbing factors like surrounding electronic gadgets or walls between the remote and your TV unit.

Fixing Infrared Sensor Issues

To address problems with the infrared sensor, follow these steps:

Verify Line of Sight:

Create a straight path of vision between the remote controller and the infrared sensors on your TV set. Ensure that no object is obstructing the signal’s pathway.

Check for Obstructions:

Check if there is anything obstructing the infrared sensor of the remote control. Wipe with a soft, nonabrasive lint-free cloth.

Test with Another Remote:

In case, you have another remote control for the infrared sensor, try using it to establish whether the problem is with your smart TV or just the Remote Element Smart TV Remote.

I am having a problem with my Element Smart Remote TV, which is not responding to buttons press or any command. What should I do?

You should remove the batteries of your remote, clean the button contacts, then assemble the remote again if it does not respond. Often, dirt or debris that is underneath the buttons can be responsible for this.

How can I wash the keys of my Element TV Smart remote?

To wash the buttons, unscrew the battery compartment with a flat-bladed screwdriver or pry tool, and use a cotton bud or tiny paintbrush to wash inside the button wells. Ensure you assemble the remote very carefully once you are done with it.

In case your Element Smart tv remote is not connecting to television.

In case of connection problems look for old and rusted batteries, correct battery location, and loose wires inside the compartment. Also, reduce possible disturbing factors like other electronics.

Is it possible that a battery issue could be affecting my Element Smart TV Remote?

Connectivity problems can actually be caused by battery issues. Ascertain battery corrosion, battery positioning, and replacement if that is the remedy.

How can I resolve the issues concerning the infrared sensor on my Element Smart TV remote?

Verify that there is a clear line of sight between the remote and the TV sensor to solve problems with infrared sensors. If possible, try using another remote while clearing every obstacle that might be blocking the sensor on the remote. Use a soft cloth to clean the sensor before testing.

Should I clean out my Element Smart TV Remote?

In most cases, yes you can safely clean your remote but use care. Make use of suitable methods such as being gentle throughout the process, among others, for you not to harm or damage the remote if the instruction given by the manufacturer is observed.